
Utility bill verification

Electricity, gas, cable, water, and telecom

DIRO can instantly verify utility data with automated user consent and impersonation check at 9,000 utility companies in 195 countries.

Address verification is a vital step in eliminating fraud for financial institutions. Account opening, loan approval, and credit card applications all requires proof of address verification.

The output is a machine-readable JSON file together with data provenance, as well as the original document for compliance.

By integrating DIRO’s address verification API, financial institutions can improve their end user experience with real-time verifications.

Utility statement
Converts into JSON file
Utility account-holder data

Instant address verification

Proof of address verification is essential before onboarding a new customer. DIRO’s utility bill verification can provide address verification in real-time by verifying data from utility bills, bank statements, government records, and more.

Address verification with utility bills is the simplest and most secure process as the data gets captured directly from the source. Using utility bill for address verification is compliant with KYC, KYB, and AML regulatory requirements. DIRO provides instant address verification with data directly from 9,000 utility companies in 195 countries. DIRO improves the customer experience and reduce customer drop-off rates by simplifying the onboarding process.

Common methods of verifying customer proof of address include: utility bill data, bank statements, government records, insurance documents, and driver’s licenses.

DIRO’s proof of address verification technology eliminates the use of fake and stolen documents. DIRO’s online document verification technology can be leveraged by banks, financial institutions, start-ups, fintech, and other businesses that are both regulated and non-regulated. With DIRO’s Open Banking API you can now access utility company data in real-time and feed this through machine-readable JSON files to your decision engine. Get seamless access to trusted data for an improved customer experience.

Verify utility bills globally

DIRO allows you to verify electricity bill, internet bill verification, cable bill verification, gas bill verification, and more. Here are some of the top utility bills verification facilitated by DIRO:

tick  Electricity bill verification

tick  Gas bill verification

tick  Water bill verification

tick  Internet bill verification

tick  Cable bill verification

tick  Telephone bill verification

How DIRO helps in utility bill verification

Verify and authenticate address
DIRO captures data directly from 9,000 utility providers in 195 countries. Verify telecom bill, electricity bill verification, and more in real-time.
Eliminate friction
DIRO’s simple and secure address verification process minimizes friction at onboarding and reduces cost by reducing the need for manual processes.
Improve conversion rate
With utility bill for address verification, in real-time, businesses can improve customer conversion rate. Our utility bill verification improves user experiences.
Fraud prevention
Utility bill verification helps in preventing fraudulent activities. Trusted address verification can be an additional defense during customer onboarding.
Regulatory compliance
Utility bill for address verification is a requirement for KYC, KYB, and AML requirements. Our solution helps in ensuring compliance with regulations.
Seamless integration
Open Banking API standard helps verifying utility bill in real-time. DIRO Open Banking API can be easily integrated with existing and new frameworks.