
How Spanish Banks Can Prevent Fraud by Streamlining Customer Communications?

In 2023, fraudulent attacks increased by 117%. The increased attacks led to €250 million in losses, according to data from Spanish banks. The increase in fraud attacks included ATM fraud, debit card fraud, and bank transfer fraud. To combat the added increase in fraud, Spanish banks have started sharing data.

A survey from December 2023 found that good fraud protection is a top priority for Spanish customers when choosing a bank. 34% of respondents said it was their main consideration, and 72% ranked it among their top three concerns.

Banks that don’t protect their customers from fraud will not only face fraud losses but also struggle to attract and retain customers. The survey also revealed that 19% of Spanish respondents reduced or stopped using their personal bank account due to difficult identity checks, and 18% did the same with credit cards.

The Importance of Customer Communication in Fraud Prevention

1. Communication Helps Prevent Fraud

Streamlined communication between customers and banks is essential for fraud prevention. By involving customers in the fraud detection process, banks can respond faster and stop fraudulent transactions more effectively. However, communication must be tailored to each customer’s preferences. Multi-channel, two-way communication strategies have proven successful in fraud prevention.

When it comes to peer-to-peer (P2P) apps or online banking, the risk of scams and authorized push payment (APP) fraud is growing. Generic warnings are often overlooked but targeted, relevant messages can effectively alert customers. Multiple, thoughtfully crafted messages can even break through a scammer’s deception, prompting customers to take action.

2. Communication Enhances the Customer Experience

Customers expect strong fraud protection but also want a smooth, hassle-free experience. Poor communication can lead to two key issues:

  • False Positives Become a Burden: Effective fraud detection tools reduce suspicious cases, but some situations still require customer input. Automated communication tools integrated with case management can speed up the process, reducing disruption and improving the overall experience.
  • Fraud Prevention Can Disrupt the Experience: Identity checks are often necessary for fraud prevention, but long, intrusive processes can frustrate customers. 

3. Communication Boosts Efficiency and Cuts Costs

Handling fraud claims is often a complex and time-consuming process. However, by using automated, omnichannel communication tools, banks can streamline fraud claims management and reduce operational costs.

Traditionally, each step in the fraud claims process—from initiating the case to providing forms and additional information—required manual input from fraud prevention teams. With the right technology, this can now be automated. Customers receive updates and can complete forms online, eliminating the need for costly mailings and reducing their desire to speak with an agent. This reduces the volume of inbound calls, leading to significant savings.

Summing Up

In summary, effective customer communication helps prevent fraud, enhances the customer experience, and improves operational efficiency. By putting customers at the center of fraud prevention, banks can protect both themselves and their customers while keeping satisfaction high.


What is PSD2 Compliance? Everything You Need to Know About It

Businesses must stay compliant with all emerging regulations, not just for legal reasons, but also for keeping themselves afloat. One important regulation businesses must comply with is the PSD2 compliance, also known as the Revised Payment Services Directive.

The EU enforces PSD2 and the regulation aims to improve consumer protection. The second part of the regulation is igniting competition within the payment services industry.

PSD2 is a step above PSD1 as it requires new things from financial institutions and consumers.

Primary Aspects of PSD2

The Payment Services Directive (PSD2) regulation has some key pillars that every financial institution needs to follow:

  1. Access to Account (XS2A)

PSD2 compliance requires banks to open their payment infrastructure to third-party providers, this allows TPPs to initiate payments or access account information with the customer’s consent. 

This new regulation aims to ignite competition and innovation among financial institutions. 

  1. Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)

PSD2 also introduced an authentication requirement for electronic payment to reduce the risk of fraud. This also involves using independent verification factors such as: 

So let’s say a user wants to make an online purchase over €100, they’ll have to verify their identity using a password and a code sent to their mobile device. This added layer of authentication ensures customers can make their transactions seamlessly &  safely.

  1. Enhanced Consumer Rights

PSD2 also aims to give consumers more control over their payment disputes and unauthorized transactions and to grab more explicit charges and terms. This new approach aims to teach financial institutions to focus more on a consumer-centric approach.

Let’s take an example – If a customer notices an unauthorized transaction on their bank statement, PSD2 ensures they have clear knowledge to dispute the charge and receive a quick resolution.

How PSD2 Impacts Financial Institutions?

As for financial institutions, PSD2 will have a huge impact. It requires them to adapt to new operations and they will have to face technical challenges:

  • Increased Competition – With TPPs being able to initiate payments with consumer’s consent, banks will face increased competition for customer loyalty and transaction volumes. Institutions that embrace collaboration with FinTechs will be able to take advantage of the increased competition. 
  • Investment in Technology: The PSD2 regulation requires banks to improve their API integrations, increase security measures, and comply with SCA requirements. Financial institutions need to invest in scalable technological solutions that can carry them into the future.
  • Customer-Centric Innovation – By using open banking APIs, banks and other institutions can take customer experience to the next level. This involves personalized financial advice, easy payment processing, and real-time transaction monitoring.

Other Major Changes That Will Come with PSD2

Beyond basic operational impacts, PSD2 will have some impacts on the industry:

  • Data Privacy & Consent – PSD2 builds up on PSD1 and enhances the importance of data privacy and informed consent, offering better control over their financial data. Businesses and financial institutions need to implement transparent data practices and consent management frameworks to comply with the regulations
  • Global Implications –  While PSD2 is an EU regulation, it will influence regulatory frameworks worldwide. Institutes that operate globally need to adapt to varying compliance requirements and ensure everything is up to standard.


PSD2 compliance offers a unique opportunity for financial institutions to innovate, offer a more consumer-centric approach, and build stronger consumer-business relationships. Institutions that focus on PSD2 compliance with heart will be able to leave the competition behind.