
Micro Deposit Verification for Bank Accounts – Alternatives to Micro Deposit Verification

Micro deposits are the legacy system for the verification of customer bank accounts. As far as customers could remember, banks have been using micro deposit verification to verify bank account ownership. But being one of the oldest and most used methods doesn’t mean that it’s the perfect solution. There are some flaws in the micro deposit bank account verification process.

Micro deposits are two small test deposits that are sent from one bank to another one. The idea is that it helps in verifying second account ownership information.

The micro deposit bank account verification process can easily take up to 5 business days as the transactions go through the ACH Network. In a world where consumers want instant process completion, waiting for 5 days can increase the abandonment process.

Why Micro-Deposit Account Verification Is Used for Account Verification?

The current banking infrastructure is decades old, and it takes a lot of time and money to upgrade. Since the beginning, the account verification process revolves around micro deposit verification.

In 2018, the National Automation Clearing House Association (NACHA) completed 23B micro deposit transactions with a value of $51.2T. While the ACH Network proves to be a very cost-effective method for completing these transactions, it has lacked immediacy since always.

While NACHA also launched same-day ACH payments all the way back in 2015, the adoption of same-day payments for micro-deposits remains low. NACHA has commented about an API-based, real-time verification approach, but no significant improvement has been made.

Similarly, a huge range of mobile and online banking suites are available to banks and credit unions are also reliant on micro deposit verification. Regardless of the scale of the service, or how new it is, most businesses still tend to rely on micro deposit bank verification.

Flaws in Micro-Deposit Verification Process

Banks and credit unions should follow the steps of modern-day e-commerce companies. Customer experience in the web 2.0 era is all about fast experience. Customers aren’t willing to wait days for basic processes to be approved. In the eCommerce industry, any delay in payments can lead to account cart abandonment.

In the banking sector, every 10 seconds that are added to the customer onboarding process increases 5% the risk of application abandonment.

So, the best way for banks to move forward is to increase their conversion rates and improve the rate of customer acquisition. This can be done using automation, and other technologies for the onboarding and account verification process.

Bank Account Verification Best Practices

Financial institutions that want to verify bank account information should find some better ways. If micro-deposits are a widely used method, banks should renounce it if it increases the chances of application abandonment. Here are the two best replacements for micro-deposit bank account verification:

1. Instant Account Verification (IAV)

It’s important to include customers in the verification process to boost relationships, but banks should do it with the help of more seamless technologies. Instant account verification doesn’t rely on two small deposits to the customer accounts. And, as the name suggests, the process is instant. 

2. Real-Time Account Transaction Monitoring

The biggest challenge banks face while moving on from micro deposit verification is that they can’t access their own data. 

Banks and credit unions have data that when used correctly can predict fraud before it happens. More than often, all of this data is hidden beneath a bank’s core systems, or is only available on a batch basis. There are technologies out there that can help banks access this transactional data, which helps in verifying bank accounts and predicting fraud. 

Conclusion: Customers Demand Real-Time Verification

Micro deposits helped banks and financial institutions a lot in the past. But customers of today prefer faster resolution times and friction-proof validation. So, for banks to provide an ideal customer experience, there’s a heavy need for micro deposit verification alternatives.


Types of Bank Account Verification Methods & How DIRO Facilitates Account Verification?

Verifying a bank account is one of the most crucial parts of minimizing the risks of fraud and scams for a bank, financial organization, or FinTechs. With the technology growing at an incredible pace, ACH transactions are at an all-time high. Bank account verification is crucial during online funds transfers commonly known as ACH transactions as it ensures where the funds are coming from and if they are associated with any malicious activities. 

Many businesses are offering online payments in alternative to payment methods such as credit cards and paper checks. Finding an ideal method of bank verification can be suitable for users as it improves user experience. 

Using the right methods of bank verification will allow you to mitigate the risks of fraud and scams.

Reliable Bank Account Verification Methods

Banks, financial organizations, and other FinTechs need to employ the methods for bank account verification if they intend to keep their brand reputation intact. Here are the best bank account verification methods to keep an eye out for.

1. Use Micro Deposits Verification

Micro-deposits are deposits of less than ten cents transferred from one financial institution to another that can help in verifying if a specific account type is valid or not. If a bank does not offer the feature of online banking or if the users can’t remember their credentials even then they can make micro-deposits for account verification as it is a self-contained process. 

When using micro-deposit verifications, the user will fill in their bank account and routing information. Two small credits are sent to the customer’s account that will be reflected in 1-5 business days. These amounts will confirm that the user can access their own account. 

2. Instant Account Verification Service (IAV)

The fastest method of bank account verification is by using the instant account verification service from the bank itself. Using instant account verification can even improve your overall user experience. With IAV, a user is asked to choose their bank and submit their online banking credentials to verify the account. In just mere seconds, the bank account is verified and the users can start with their banking features.

3. Third-Party Bank Verification Methods

A check verification service or a third-party bank verification service provides businesses, individuals, or other financial institutions with the ability to check the validity of the account. 

Third-party bank account verification can be done using multiple methods such as checking different databases with negative account history, checking to route and account number is valid or not, orax contacting the bank directly to confirm the information.

How does DIRO Improve the Account Verification Process?

DIRO’s technology captures original documents from any web source online. Using DIRO’s technology, users can verify bank account documents (any kind of documents) that can assist banks & FinTechs in verifying bank accounts and reduce the risk of frauds and scams. 

All types of bank account verification can be done in seconds using DIRO bank account verification technology. Even the best bank account verification methods can often fail to verify cleverly fabricated bank documents. DIRO verifies the documents against the original web source to reduce the risk of financial crime.